Hello and Happy Fall!

The 2017 National Rehabilitation Association Training Conference, Bridge to Excellence October 26-29, 2017 in Corpus Christi, Texas hosted by the Texas Rehabilitation Association & the SW Region is quickly approaching.
Our room block is being held until Monday September 25th. Make your reservations today!
Hotel Reservations: A block of rooms has been reserved under the NRA Annual Training Conference 2017, Group Code: 14500814213.
Reservation Information: 1-800-843-6664 (Omni Central Reservation #) OR book online: https://www.omnihotels.com/hotels/corpus-christi/meetings/nra-annual-training-conference-2017 Choose arrival/departure dates, number of guests, click on check availability.
Rates for October 23-31, 2017
1 -2 Guests in Room – $134
3 Guests in Room – $144
4 Guests in Room – $154
Garage Self-Parking – $12
Valet Parking- $20
We are featuring two pre-conference sessions. Attached are the flyers. The pre-conferences are on Thursday October 26th, they are hosted by divisions and have an additional fee.
Find registration information and the updated program at our conference website: https://nraconference2017.wixsite.com/texas
You can register and pay online at: https://www.txrehabassoc.org/nra-conference (you may register without logging in)
For conference questions contact: Sara Sundeen, sara.sundeen@state.mn.us or Lori Lawson, lori.lawson@twc.state.tx.us |